Enter the Kindle Fire Giveaway - Author Feature: Deborah Jay with "THE PRINCE'S MAN"

Welcome to the June Free Kindle Giveaway! Every month, FreeKindleGiveaway.com gives away free kindles to one or more lucky giveaway winners. Entering is simple–just follow the directions on the rafflecopter at the bottom of this post! But first, take a moment to learn about an amazing book from one of our giveaway sponsors!
Award winning novel, THE PRINCE'S MAN, has been described as 'James Bond meets Lord of the Rings' - a sweeping tale of spies and deadly politics, inter-species mistrust and magic phobia, with an underlying thread of romance.

Rustam Chalice, hedonist, dance tutor and spy, loves his life. So when the kingdom he serves is threatened from within, he leaps into action. Only trouble is, the spy master, Prince Hal, teams him up with an untouchable aristocratic assassin who despises him.

And to make matters worse, she's the most beautiful woman in the Five Kingdoms.

Plunged into a desperate journey over the mountains, the mismatched pair struggle to survive deadly wildlife, the machinations of a spiteful god - and each other.

They must also keep alive a sickly elf they need as a political pawn. But when the elf reveals that Rustam has magic of his own, he is forced to question his identity, his sanity and worst, his loyalty to his prince.

For in Tyr-en, all magic users are put to death.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Enter the Kindle Fire Giveaway - Author Feature: Rebecca Hamilton with "THE FOREVER GIRL"

Welcome to the June Free Kindle Giveaway! Every month, FreeKindleGiveaway.com gives away free kindles to one or more lucky giveaway winners. Entering is simple–just follow the directions on the rafflecopter at the bottom of this post! But first, take a moment to learn about an amazing book from one of our giveaway sponsors!
"THE FOREVER GIRL" by Rebecca Hamilton
A Cult. A Murder. A Curse.

At twenty-two, practicing Wiccan Sophia Parsons is scratching out a living waiting tables in her Rocky Mountain hometown, a pariah after a string of unsolved murders with only one thing in common: her.

Sophia can imagine lots of ways to improve her life, but she'd settle for just getting rid of the buzzing noise in her head. When the spell she casts goes wrong, the static turns into voices. Her personal demons get company, and the newcomers are dangerous.

One of them is a man named Charles, who Sophia falls for despite her better judgment. He has connections that might help her unveil the mystery surrounding her ancestor's hanging, but she gets more than she bargains for when she finally decides to trust him.

The Forever Girl is a full-length Paranormal Fantasy novel that will appeal to lovers of paranormal romance, urban fantasy, witches, vampires, ghosts, paranormal mystery, and paranormal horror.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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If you're interested in keeping up with me, please follow my new blog

Hello! I haven't been around for a while, and there are a couple of reasons. Firstly, I've been working hard on my next book. I was shooting for 30-40k. I'm currently in the 50,000's and still going. The editor's booked for December 2, so I have a hell of a week ahead of me.

The second reason is I started a new blog. It's not much more active than this one's been, but I do intend for that one to be my main blog from now on. There'll be less emphasis on writing techniques, and more on what I hope readers/fans/potential fans would be interested in. I'll keep this blog up for archival purposes.

Maybe you'd just like to spread some good karma. (Ugh, that essay on Tibetan sand painting's really done my head in.) My new blog's feeling a bit unloved with just 2 followers. :(

Either way, I'm sure I'll see you around!

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Interviewed by fantasy author Christopher Bunn

Earlier in the month I was interviewed by Christopher Bunn, author of The Hawk and His Boy, The Shadow at the Gate and The Wicked Day, all part of The Tormay Trilogy. I'm reading the trilogy right now, so I was very excited to be involved in this. Christopher also has many other ebooks available.

You can check my interview with him here.

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"Magik and Mayhem" Fantasy Blog Hop and Giveaway, July 15th - 19th: Magic in Válkia

Are you a fantasy reader? Do you enjoy George R.R. Martin's ruthlessness, or Tolkien's epic scale? Christopher Paolini's adventures, or the magical world of Raymond E. Feist? Do you love to read about knights, squires, kings and queens, elves, fae and all manner of creatures?

Welcome to our fantasy blog hop! Here is a chance to find out about fantasy stories, and win books and gift cards! Summer is more magical already.

Click here to reach the central page of the blog hop where you can use the rafflecopter and win the main prize: a selection of all ebooks and print books entered in the event plus a gift certificate!

The list of ebooks you can win:
Yseult by Ruth Nestvold
Season 1 Boreal and John Grey by Chrystalla Thoma
Dark Elf by Willo Nonea Rea
Caitlin’s Book of Shadows by Juli D. Revezzo
Print book Raingun by John Blackport
Aundes Aura by Ryan Sullivan
Seeking a Scribe by Marsha A. Moore
Her Master’s Madness by J.E. & M. Keep
Wings of Shadow by Anna Kyss
Rune Breaker by Landon Porter
Judgement Rising by Tracy Falbe
The Chosen by Annette Gisby
New Zealand with a Hobbit Botherer by John & Annette Gisby

As for this blog post, I will personally be giving away two ebook copies of Aundes Aura to a random hat selection from those who comment below.

And now for my contribution to the blog hop.


What might be considered a kind of magic in the world of Aundes Aura is the very thing the book revolves around. An Aura is a god's gift; the gift of some amount of that god's power. Only one person can wield an Aura at any time. When the Descendant (as they are called) has had an Aura for seven years, there is a boost in power and terrible things have been known to happen.

Here is a rundown of the gods, their responsibilities in the world, and what their Descendants might be able to do at the heights of their abilities.

Elthades, the father of the gods: The Descendant can sense other Auras, block their use, mimic them when they're near, and live without aging.

Careus, the god of time: The Descendant can see the future, the past, and events elsewhere in the present, and at the most extreme, travel through time.

Kathes, the goddess of nature: The Descendant can control the elements at will, calling up a flame, destroying a building with a gesture, or causing a hurricaine.

Aundes, the goddess of light: The Descendant can call a light to guide them through darkness, blind people with a flash, and flush out corruption.

Maekre, the god of the passing: If the Descendant's skin touches any person or creature, the thing will die.

Taemus, the god of dreams: The Descendant can read people's minds, as well as enter them and control them.

Endáres, the god of war and peace: The Descendant has an uncanny ability in battle.

Aundes Aura is the first standalone book in The Válkia Chronicles primarily involving a Descendant. I have ideas for at least 3 more, and hopefully the others will come along the way. They will all be named in the same fashion as Aundes Aura.

As for right now, I'm writing a book called Three Bridges. It's about a king looking to redeem his throne, a thief striving for recognition after years of loyal service, and a young boy shamed by his family, trying to find his place in the world.

Don't forget to comment for your chance to win one of the two available copies of Aundes Aura, and if you haven't already, check out the main blog hop page and enter the rafflecopter, for which the winner will receive all of the titles in the blog hop, as well as a gift certificate.

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Progress towards New Year's Resolutions

Scrolling through Facebook today, I saw someone mentioning New Year's Resolutions. I thought this might be a good time to have a look at how my own resolutions are going.

1. Make the changes to Aundes Aura that will be suggested by the editor.
1. i. Publish Aundes Aura.

All done! Aundes Aura has sold 13 copies so far (plus given away 285 in promotions), and I have a few great things planned for the next two months.

2. Write and publish a novella/novelette.
As you can see in the sidebar, at roughly 23,500 words, Three Bridges is approaching what I'd happily consider the minimum novella length. However,  chapter-wise I'm less than halfway through the story, whose exploration of character and setting is far beyond what I imagined. When it's published, regardless of whether it's an average or a long novella, I'll actually be calling it a "short novel", due to some advice I read on Joe Konrath's blog (A Newbie's Guide to Publishing). And if you've never read that blog, you'd better go do so now before I come over there and hit you.

3. Pass my Advanced Diploma of Music.
I'm going quite well with most of my subjects. One or two I'm struggling with, but passing.

4. Not let take-away or other food get to me.
Fail. I'm eating a family-sized packet of chips right now. Also, I usually eat Subway four times a week, KFC once every weekend, and snacks on a Saturday night.
Do I get points for buying apple juice today?

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99c SALE on Aundes Aura

To temper all your excitement from Aundes Aura not being on sale earlier in the week, from today until next Wednesday the 26th of June, Aundes Aura is available for 99c.

Get it here at Amazon US  or from your preferred store in the United Kingdom, Canada, Italy, Germany, France, Spain, Japan, Brazil and India.

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"Serving Time" free for 3 days

Nadine Ducca's sci-fi book, Serving Time, is free for the 18th, 19th and 20th. So head on over and grab a copy!

Amazon links:
Life and death have been industrialized. The Forge, the birthplace of every soul, is a rumbling factory owned by the goddess Time, managed by Lucifer, and powered by the labor of demons and imps. In this dystopian world, a renegade interplanetary pilot running from his past doesn't stand a chance.

Handling Neptunian meth and dodging security cannons are all in a day’s work for Tristan Cross—not that he's one to complain. Working for the smuggling company StarCorp is an improvement over what he used to do for a living.

However, when StarCorp gives Tristan a one-way ticket into the brainwashed—and disturbingly suicidal—Loyal League, he decides to run from the company and start a new life in the only safe haven he knows: Earth. With the help of his brother, Tristan embarks on the most hazardous journey of his life, one that will place him at Time’s mercy. Little does he know the demons running the universe are craving a feast, and his own soul is the next item on the menu.

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Aundes Aura is not ON SALE RIGHT NOW

You read that right. Aundes Aura is not ON SALE RIGHT NOW, and you can get it for the full price of $2.99 here at Amazon US.

Alternatively, for an equally not ON SALE price, you can get it from your preferred store in the United Kingdom, Canada, Italy, Germany, France, Spain, Japan, Brazil and India.

Get it now, while the price is average.

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I should go to sleep before I sober up.


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Interview with Nadine Ducca

Please head over to Nadine Ducca's blog and check out her interview with me about writing and Aundes Aura.

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FREE on Kindle for today, Thursday and Friday - Aundes Aura promotion

Aundes Aura is free for the next few days to help get word out. If you know someone who might be interested, let them know.

Get it here

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Interview: Aundes Aura, writing and reading

Today my wonderful editor Felicia A. Sullivan did an interview with me. Here's how it went down.

Click for Amazon

1. The first question is, are you tired of answering the same old questions in interviews?

Not yet – this is my first interview since releasing my book.

2. Have you always wanted to be a writer, or did you just kind of fall into it?
When I was seven years old, one day at school I wrote several little...
stories on a whim. Since that day, I’ve wanted to be a published author. Last week, thirteen years later, that dream came true.

3. What’s your process? Do you have a set writing schedule, or do you wing it?

I more or less wing it, but I’m aspiring to have a schedule so I can increase my productivity. As soon as I can, I want to treat writing like any other job – that means long, consistent hours. If I do this on a smaller scale first, maybe sometime in the next ten years I could write full-time.

4. What is your favorite genre to read? To write?

Both fantasy. I really don’t dabble much, but one book that I sped through outside my genre was “The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time”. I actually read that faster than I read my usual fantasy. But don’t get me wrong, I’m a slow reader.

5. What was the first book you wrote, and how successful was it?
The first book I wrote was Aundes Aura, and I released it last week. Since then, I’ve earnt enough money for a couple of coffees.

6. How do you spend your time when you are not writing? Do you have any interesting hobbies?

When I’m not writing, I browse the internet and read about writing and publishing. I’m studying an Advanced Diploma of Music, so part of my spare time is also spent practicing piano.

7. Does your family support your writing dreams/career/goals?
I still have to tell my mum, “I can do that in half an hour. Right now I’m working.” But they are very supportive. So supportive, in fact, that when I told them I’d published my first book, they got me a cake and a card.

8. How many books have you written, and which one is your absolute favorite?

I’ve just written one so far, but I’m already well into the next installment, Three Bridges. What’s that thing everyone says? “My favourite book is always the one I’m working on.” That.

9. Do you read reviews of your books? How do they affect you, whether positive or negative?

I don’t have any reviews yet, but I intend to read them. The negative ones may niggle at me, but I think it’s important to take pride in the positive ones, and take any good criticisms I can from the negative ones. One thing I have to remember is to never, ever respond to a review.

10. You know the last question always is: Do you have any advice for aspiring authors? So yeah, answer that, but then tell us (whether you write in the genre or not) your plan for riding out the zombie apocalypse.
Advice for aspiring authors . . . finish things. You can’t earn anything from a half-finished project.

My plan for riding out the zombie apocalypse . . . take a boat to the middle of the ocean.
* * *
Aundes Aura is available on Kindle here at Amazon.

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"Aundes Aura" is now available at Amazon!

Click to go to the Amazon page!
Saera is afflicted. Seven years ago, while venturing into a cave behind a waterfall with her brother Eoin, she unwittingly absorbed the Aura of Aundes, the Goddess of Light, who cultivates war by making men blind to one another.

Their father, the village blacksmith, languishes in the dungeons for refusing to fight in the Duthonian army, so the siblings must fend for themselves, begging for coin by day and stealing into houses for food by night. Meanwhile, the power-hungry Church Regency prepares an army for an all-out attack on neighbouring country, Meira.

When the Aura reveals itself within Saera, the Regency pursues her relentlessly. She and
Eoin take flight and with the help of Faine, a mysterious traveller they happen upon, they elude their pursuers. Making alliances they would never have dreamt of, they find themselves swept up into a struggle against the country they once called their own.

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RELEASE DATE for Aundes Aura

Yes, it's happening! For some of you, it's been a few years since you first heard about Aundes Aura. For me, the thirteen years since I wrote my very first story have been leading up to this: the day I become a published author.

The official RELEASE DATE for Aundes Aura is this Friday, the 7th of June.

On that day, I'll post the cover, blurb and link here.

In the mean time, you can subscribe to my mailing list for new books here. Alternatively, you can click on the "subscribe" link in my sidebar.

You can follow me on Twitter here @RyanSullAuthor.

And you can like my page here on Facebook.

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Welcome to The Dark Corner of the Mind. My name is Ryan Sullivan and my aim with this blog is to help others with their own writing, as well as to make note of some of my own writing endeavours.

Here at The Dark Corner, Real Life is both our best friend and our worst enemy. Look to him for inspiration, but don't let him get in the way too much.

If he does, bribe him with cookies.

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Three Bridges

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